3 min read

Playing Muerta as Support

Muerta is a versatile support hero in Dota 2 who can be played in a variety of ways. She is a strong lane harasser and can be a powerful ganker, but she also excels at providing vision and utility to her team.

Laning Phase

During the laning phase, Muerta's primary focus should be on harassing the enemy carry and securing last hits for her core. Her The Calling ability is a powerful tool for both of these tasks. The slow and attack speed slow from The Calling can make it very difficult for the enemy carry to farm, and the ghosts can also deal significant damage. If the enemy carry is trying to pull the creep wave, Muerta can use The Calling to push the wave back to her tower.

Muerta's Dead Shot ability can also be used to harass the enemy carry or to secure last hits. Dead Shot is a long-range projectile that deals damage to the first enemy it hits. If the enemy carry is out of position, Dead Shot can be used to chunk them down or even secure a kill.

In addition to harassing the enemy carry, Muerta can also use her abilities to help her core secure kills. If her core is trying to chase down an enemy hero, Muerta can use The Calling to slow the enemy hero down and make it easier for her core to catch up. She can also use Dead Shot to deal additional damage to the enemy hero.

Mid Game

In the mid game, Muerta can start to roam around the map and gank enemy heroes. She is very mobile thanks to her Gunslinger ability, which gives her a movement speed bonus. She can also use her abilities to scout enemy territory and set up ganks.

When ganking, Muerta should try to initiate the gank with Dead Shot. This will give her core time to get into position to secure the kill. Muerta can then use The Calling to slow the enemy hero down and make it easier for her core to catch up.

Muerta should also be warding the map in the mid game. This will help her team see where the enemy heroes are and avoid ganks. Muerta should also be placing wards around objectives, such as Roshan and the Radiant and Dire ancient creeps. This will give her team vision of the area and make it easier to secure the objective.

Late Game

In the late game, Muerta's role is to provide vision and utility to her team. She should be warding the map and using her abilities to scout for the enemy team. She should also be using her abilities to protect her carries from the enemy team.

Muerta's The Calling ability can be used to slow down enemy initiators and make it easier for her team to escape from ganks. She can also use her Dead Shot ability to deal damage to enemy carries and to disrupt their positioning.

Muerta's Gunslinger ability can be used to chase down enemy heroes or to escape from ganks. She can also use it to position herself safely during teamfights.


Muerta's itemization should focus on supporting her team and providing them with vision and utility. Some good items for Muerta include:

  • Arcane Boots: These boots provide mana regeneration, which is essential for Muerta to be able to cast her abilities frequently.
  • Force Staff: This item can be used to save allies from enemy initiations or to push enemies out of position.
  • Mekansm: This item can be used to heal allies and to provide them with armor and magic resistance.
  • Lotus Orb: This item can be used to reflect enemy spells back at them.
  • Aghanim's Scepter: This item upgrades Muerta's ultimate ability, Dead Shot, to allow it to pierce through enemies.

Skill Build

Muerta's skill build should focus on maxing out her The Calling ability first. This ability is her primary source of damage and harassment. She should then max out her Dead Shot ability. This ability is her primary ganking tool. Finally, she should put one point in her Gunslinger ability at level 1 and then max it out last.


  • Use The Calling to harass the enemy carry and to secure last hits.
  • Use Dead Shot to gank enemy heroes and to deal damage to enemy carries.
  • Use Gunslinger to chase down enemy heroes or to escape from ganks.
  • Ward the map and use your abilities to scout for the enemy team.
  • Use your abilities to protect your carries from the enemy team.

With practice, you can become a master of Muerta